Sunday, May 31, 2009

A day on the Mississippi (did I spell that correctly?)

So today we took advantage of the wonderful weather (and John being on float) to drive up along the Mississippi River. We stopped in Lake City, Wabasha, and Kellogg to check things out. We walked outside and enjoyed the beautiful views of the river/lake. In Wabasha we ate at the Flour Mill was fantastic! They have the best super-thin, whole wheat crust!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

John's cool fish

Added per John's request...this is the coolest fish we saw the whole day!

Trying this new blog out...

All right, my first attempt at adding photos. Yesterday we drove up the the Minnesota Zoo. It was the perfect day to visit, the weather was gorgeous, and Avery had a blast! She was a real trooper, not getting a nap until late in the day. The best part was seeing all of the fish, dolphins, monkeys, giraffes, bears, and visiting the "farm" to see chicks, goats, pigs, and cows. Of course, there were tons of other animals, too. We hope to get back again before leaving Rochester next summer.

Hi there!

Ok, this blog is for all of our friends and family! Now we can easily keep you posted on all the happenings of the Hoyt Household.